Guild Info

This guild was made because i want to bring more people together in pocket legends and i think this is perfect for that. I want this to be a friendly guild where all members will stay in contact with eachother. I see alot of guilds are made but then something happens and the leader isnt around and then everyone else loses interest. This has happend to me twice already and i didnt like it so i have decided to make my own and i want you all to know i wouldnt leave my own guild. This guild isnt specialized for twinks or just for PVE. I would like for it to involve everything there is to do in PL. Im looking for these positions now but there will be more available spots that i would need later on.

A co-leader someone to be right next to me and help out with the guild, someone i can trust
co-leader: Twinktastical

A banker someone that will have enough room to store the best of the best pinks donated to the guild from members. This person would have to be very trustworthy as well
Banker: Rangepwnsmeel

Two event organizers People that like to make fun little tourneys for the guild or host farming sessions and lots of other fun ****
Event Organizer: Demonicdevyn
Event Organizer: jjjjaaaakkkke

Two recruiters people to run around shouting about the guild bringing in new people and interesting others
Head Recruiter: Twinktastical
Recruiter: Kossi

I am also taking members. If the recruiter was to interest you, you are not
officialy in me and the co-leader have the final say. If you borrow something from the bank please make sure you give it back and please make sure your not selling our things that will result in removal from the guild. Once they are donated they belong to the guild and no one else (not even me). If there are any questions contact me or smoae through a pm here or in game.

Requirements: A lv50 character, above 5k kills on the lv50, at least 3 series of the quests completed. Thats all ATM...